the x logo on a black background


Welcome to the Fartcoin on Solana

a green cartoon cloud with eyes on a black background

About me

Before a shit there’s a fart, before any shitcoin there’s Fartcoin. Leading the way and clearing the path for all other shitcoins to emerge. Imagine the smell!


69 billion tokens

No tax

No bullshit (only farts)


Deployed on Solana (only gas is your farts)

Join the Fart Force

The Fart Force needs you. As you know, farts and Crypto go hand-in-hand (think of all that ramen). There’s a movement to deligitimize farts and we are an army of Fart Defenders to bring farts to their lofty place once again. More details to come, but be proud of your farts!